Free resources

  • CBT Resources offers the basics of understanding and treating common mental health difficulties using skills from CBT provides workbooks which go into more depth and guide you through treatment plans for a range of difficulties including anxiety, depression, self-esteem and more

  • DBT Resources provides a user friendly guide to all things DBT including self-help resources

    DBT handouts and worksheets made freely available online by founder of DBT Marsha Lineham. This book is not light reading but it covers all DBT skills with guidance on how to use them.

  • Mindfulness

    What is mindfulness? Hear it from Dr Russ Harris, world renowned ACT therapist and provider of lots of helpful resources

    Headspace offer a free app to get you started with mindfulness using guided practices offer free guided meditations as a supplementary material for The Mindful Way Through Anxiety

  • Breathing and Relaxation

    Polyvagal theory explains how and why breathing exercises can be such a powerful tool against distress, anxiety and trauma.

    Square breathing is one simple breathing exercise to try out

    Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a simple method for releasing tension, though please take care if you have any health condition affecting pain or mobility